Java Build Toolkit for Ant

Moxie is a collection of Ant tasks to turbo-charge your build scripts and facilitate building Java projects. It's purpose is to bring some of the convenience of Maven and Gradle to Ant.

The Moxie binaries and this site are built with Moxie.

  [mx:init] =========================================================
  [mx:init] Moxie  (0.9.4)
  [mx:init] ---------------------------------------------------------
  [mx:init] project metadata
  [mx:init]            name: Moxie
  [mx:init]     description: Moxie Java Build Toolkit for Ant
  [mx:init]         groupId: com.gitblit.moxie
  [mx:init]      artifactId: moxie-toolkit
  [mx:init]         version: 0.9.4
  [mx:init]    organization: James Moger
  [mx:init]             url:
  [mx:init] ---------------------------------------------------------
  [mx:init] apply
  [mx:init]    rebuilt Eclipse configuration
  [mx:init]    rebuilt pom.xml
 [mx:javac] =========================================================
 [mx:javac] mx:Javac  (org.moxie:moxie-toolkit, compile)
 [mx:javac] ---------------------------------------------------------
 [mx:javac] Compiling 41 source files to C:\git\moxie\build\classes
 [mx:javac] Copying 20 files to C:\git\moxie\build\classes
   [mx:jar] =========================================================
   [mx:jar] mx:Jar  (moxie-toolkit-0.9.4)
   [mx:jar] ---------------------------------------------------------
   [mx:jar] Building jar: C:\git\moxie\target\moxie-toolkit-0.9.4.jar
   [mx:jar]    500 KB, generated in 460 ms
   [mx:jar] Building jar: C:\git\moxie\target\moxie-toolkit-0.9.4-sources.jar
   [mx:jar]    148 KB, generated in 80 ms
[mx:deploy] =========================================================
[mx:deploy] mx:Deploy  (moxie-toolkit-0.9.4)
[mx:deploy] ---------------------------------------------------------
[mx:deploy] Copying 2 files to C:\git\maven\org\moxie\moxie-toolkit\0.9.4
[mx:deploy] generating pom for moxie-toolkit-0.9.4
[mx:deploy] calculating checksums for installed artifacts

Core Toolkit (200KB)

The core toolkit includes the tasks necessary to retrieve & report on Maven-sourced dependencies, to generate Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA project files, and to setup Ant build properties so you don't have to.

Complete Toolkit (500KB)

The complete toolkit includes the core toolkit plus Moxie Extension (mx:) tasks of standard Ant tasks. These tasks use defaults derived from your build.moxie descriptor to compile your sources, execute your unit tests, and package your compiled code.

Moxie+Ant (15MB)

Moxie+Ant is a bundled distribution of the Moxie Build Toolkit and Ant.

Moxie Proxy (7MB)

Moxie Proxy is a simple, standalone Maven artifact proxy server with a clean web ui, RSS feeds, and Lucene indexed Maven data.


Moxie is distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0.