
This file defines the default values for all Moxie projects. It is usually loaded from the Moxie jar file unless ${user.home}/.moxie/defaults.moxie is present.


The repositories settings defines the list of registeredRepositories from whcih to source artifacts. By default, only MavenCentral is specified, however Moxie ships with several other registeredRepositories including sonatype-oss, codehaus, & restlet.
repositories: 'central'

Source Directories

Source directories are verified during initialization. Defined directories that do not exist are excluded. Defined order is preserved. Directories are excluded if they are the parent of an already included directory for the specified scope.
- compile 'src/main/java'
- compile 'src/main/webapp'
- compile 'src/java'
- compile 'src'
- test 'src/test/java'
- test 'src/test'
- test 'tests'
- test 'test'
- site 'src/site'

Resource Directories

Resource directories are verified during initialization. Defined directories that do not exist are excluded. Defined order is preserved.
- compile 'src/main/resources'
- test 'src/test/resources'
- site 'src/site/resources'

Output Directory

Default working directory for the build.
outputDirectory: 'build'

Target Directory

The base directory within the project for build artifacts.
targetDirectory: 'build/target'


Default settings for Moxie tasks.

These attributes are set via reflection using Ant's standard utility classes.

tasks: {
    # mx:Javac compiler attributes
    # These defaults may be overriden in your build.moxie file.
    'mx:javac' : {
        clean: true
        compileLinkedProjects: true
        copyResources: true
        compiler: modern
        debug: true
        debugLevel: vars,lines,source
        fork: false
        failOnError: true
        includeAntRuntime: true
        encoding: 'UTF-8'
        excludes: '**/*.java, **/package.html, **/Thumbs.db, **/.svn, **/CVS, **/.gitignore, **/.hgignore, **/.hgtags'

    # mx:Jar attributes
    # These defaults may be overriden in your build.moxie file.
    'mx:jar' : {
        excludePomFiles: false
        excludes: '**/*.java, **/package.html, **/Thumbs.db, **/.svn, **/CVS, **/.gitignore, **/.hgignore, **/.hgtags'

    # mx:GenJar attributes
    # These defaults may be overriden in your build.moxie file.
    'mx:genjar' : {
        excludePomFiles: false
        excludes: '**/*.java, **/package.html, **/Thumbs.db, **/.svn, **/CVS, **/.gitignore, **/.hgignore, **/.hgtags'
    # mx:Test attributes
    # These defaults may be overriden in your build.moxie file.
    'mx:test' : {
        include: '**/*Test.class'
        encoding: 'UTF-8'
        failureProperty: 'unit.test.failed'
        failOnError: false
    # testng attributes
    # These defaults may be overriden in your build.moxie file.
    'testng' : {
        mode: mixed
        useDefaultListeners: true
        suiteName: 'Moxie+Ant Suite'
    # junit test attributes
    # These defaults may be overriden in your build.moxie file.
    'junit' : {
        fork: yes
        forkMode: once
        printSummary: yes
        showOutput: no
    # junit report attributes
    # These defaults may be overriden in your build.moxie file.
    'junitreport' : {
        format: frames

    # emma instrumentation attributes
    # These defaults may be overriden in your build.moxie file.
    'emma' : {
        merge: true		

    # emma report attributes
    # These defaults may be overriden in your build.moxie file.
    'emmareport' : {
    # cobertura report attributes
    # These defaults may be overriden in your build.moxie file.
    'cobertura' : {
        format: html