The settings.moxie
file is used to control Moxie's behavior across all builds.
Moxie automatically uses all proxy definitions from your local Maven settings (~/.m2/settings.xml). Moxie also supports proxy definitions in it's own local Moxie settings (~/.moxie/settings.moxie).
Unlike Maven, which assumes you will proxy everything and requires you to manually exclude hostnames (i.e. opt-out), Moxie supports opt-in proxy definitions which allows you to specify what repositories will be proxied by a proxy definition. If this is undesirable, Moxie also supports Maven-style opt-out proxy definitions too.
If you want to define proxy settings, copy and edit one of the following example proxy definitions to a new text file: ~/.moxie/settings.moxie
All repositories are proxied through this connection.
proxies: - { id: 'myproxy' active: true protocol: 'http' host: '' port: 8080 username: 'proxyuser' password: 'somepassword' }
Only the identified repositories are proxied through this connection.
proxies: - { id: 'moxieProxy' active: true protocol: 'http' host: '' port: 8081 username: 'proxyuser' password: 'somepassword' repositories: "central, mavencentral, restlet, codehaus, sonatype-oss" }
This section is used to define remote artifact repositories. Currently only http/https repositories are supported.
The default connectTimeout is 20 seconds.
The default readTimeout is 1800 seconds (30 mins).
registeredRepositories: - { id: 'central', url: '' } - { id: 'mavencentral', url: '' } - { id: 'codehaus', url: '' } - { id: 'sonatype-oss' url: '' # Snapshot Purge Policy revisionRetentionCount: 1 revisionPurgeAfterDays: 0 } - { id: 'restlet' url: '' # Snapshot Purge Policy revisionRetentionCount: 1 revisionPurgeAfterDays: 0 # Artifact affinities affinity: [ 'org.restlet' ] # seconds to wait till connected connectTimeout: 20 # seconds to wait on read readTimeout: 1800 # authentication credentials username: 'someuser' password: 'mypassword' }
failFastOnArtifactResolution: true
updatePolicy: 'daily'
revisionRetentionCount: 1
revisionPurgeAfterDays: 0
mavenCacheStrategy: 'IGNORE'